Monday, January 10, 2011

Anugerah Juara Lagu 25 sucks!!

Like seriously, it sucks. Really. Tak kiralah kau tengok live, ulangan, tahun ni, tahun depan, or even sepuluh tahun lagi, it'll be just as bad as the first time you've watched it. Well, for me it's NOT bad, it's worse. In fact, the show's worse than worst!

OK. About 5 or 6 weeks before the show, I completely thought that it would be on Saturday. But few days before the-supposedly-Saturday, I found out that it would air on Sunday instead. *yup. (without even looking at the calendar) I thought 9th Jan was going to be Saturday. Silly me* Knowing that it would air on Sunday, I told myself to just dengar through radio sambil buat semantics and bila show dah habis, boleh lah tidur terus. But someone managed to convince me to go and watch it live on screen. *by then, I knew that I will be tidur lambat. But I still went anyway. huhhh... again, silly me*

The show started and......Ah! Bila nak cerita pasal AJL je, aku terus takde mood nak tulis panjang-panjang.
Intro - penyanyi lama-lama yang dulu muda sekarang dah tua, datang balik nyanyi sebagai apa tu? hah.pembuka tirai.

The first winner of AJL (1986) = Francesca Peter - Sekadar di Pinggiran

Followed by the first winner for Ballad (1992) = Nash - Pada Syurga di Wajahmu (is that right?)

Then, the first winner for Pop category (1994) = M. Nasir - Tanya Sama itu Hud Hud

 and for the 'Etnik Kreatif' category (1997) = M. Nasir & Jamal Abdillah - Ghazal untuk Rabiah *Jamal's not invited, apparently*

Ni artis dengan list sapa yang masuk AJL 25 yg macam hampagas ni. [gile malas nak tulis]

Nah pemenang.
Vokal Terbaik            - Hafiz (Noktah Cinta)
Persembahan Terbaik - Faizal Tahir (Hanyut)
Tempat Ketiga           - Hafiz (Noktah Cinta)
Tempat Kedua           - Meet Uncle Hussain feat Black (Drama King)
Tempat Pertama        - Ana Raffali (Tolong Ingatkan Aku)

First and foremost, aku sangat-sangat Sangat Kecewa dengan persembahan artis-artis di pentas AJL kali ni. Kenapa? sebab hampir semua pakai konsep 'utilise the stage'. Thus, segala macam gimik dan magik dan questionable movements timbul kat atas stage tu. Shahir, apa fungsi minah tu ada kat atas pentas sebenarnya? Kejap-kejap dia kacau and selitkan puisi haper ntah time kau nyanyi. gile distracting dowh. Hafiz, nak buat magic macam Faizal Tahir ke? (time Shila keluar instead of Faizal during last year's show). Tomok's performance was SO like Justin Timberlake's wannabe. Duuhhhh... and as far as I'm concern, Sofea Jane from Black was the only song on that night that was totally focusing on the melody, lyric and the vocal/voice control itself, not on the stupid-full-of-drama-kind-of performance like the others did.

Oh. Lagi satu. Halo? Motippp sangat si Ana Nur Hidayah Raffali tu menang kaaan? I've heard people saying (dekat cc tu) this "hah? dia nyanyi ape? sepatah haram aku tak paham apa yang dia cakap". and aku pun tak paham, yang aku dapat tangkap adalah:
- penamat
- buku tiga lima
- saku penyeluk masa
- tolong ingatkan aku
tu je. Tu je. yang lain, nope. nada. aku tau tu lagu dia sendiri and katanya dia cikgu bahasa inggeris, tapi Ana Nur Hidayah Raffali  telah menyanyikan lagu tersebut, di pentas AJL, dengan penuh slanga!

Hello? Even bunkface yang dah banyak buat show kat luar negara and banyak nyanyi english songs pun takde letak slang sebegitu banyak bila diorang nyanyi lagu melayu. *saya bukan peminat Bunkface, saya peminat Hujan. Harap maklum* /interesting fact on NohSalleh's tweet just before he went to bed - he wrote "yuna.. patut dapat. ok bye!"/

Hmph. Sudahlah. Tulis banyak-banyak pun tak guna. Next year, tolong tukar juri. Silalah buang juri-juri tua yang hanya gemar mendengar muzik lembut dan melihat artis sopan memakai baju kurung. Sila ambil juri-juri tua dan muda yang prihatin serta mengikuti peredaran dan peralihan genre komposisi muzik zaman kini.
Terima Kasih.

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