Sunday, January 20, 2013

twitter! gonna miss you!

tetiba kan? tetiba je kan? tetiba sssangaaaaattt~
tetiba je ada update taw~
setelah almost FOUR months, tetiba je ada update pasal life is curel. eh hah kaooo, tgk, dah salah taip. is cruel lah! curel pulokkkk~ Maklumlah,dah lama tak menaip kat blog ni haa, tu yg tsasul-masul tu. huhuhu..

anyway, kenapa ye,lama tak update?
sbb...gini cternye...


Haaaaaaaaaaaa~ kesimpulannya, memang iols tak boleyh nak cter kat yuolls~ hahahahha
terlalu private hokayhh~

pendek cter, dulu ada twitter,maka updatelah smer and melalut dan merepek dan blablabla kat twitter.
skang? skang dah xde twitter dah. delete dah.

rimas,takut,penat,malas,bahaya,buang masa,habis bateri, haaaaa macam-macam sebab pendeletean twitter iols. *ha,nmpak tak betapa collaborateablenya bahasa yg iols pakai? pen-delete-an. dan collaborate-able. huhuhu*

Dah...rasanya dah hampir sbulan delete kot.. tak ingat dah. maybe almost a month lah gitu2.
disebabkan nature iols ni yg suka menaip dan membebel dan merapu, maka memanglah kena pegi balik kat saluran bebelan; si blog ni haaa~
so, dah say babai kat twitter, now say hello again kat blog lah,giteww~
ok.sorry mood macam ala-ala jemah sket utk post ni.
biasalah, manusia, ada pelbagai ragam, perangai, angin, dan perasaan.
kalau statik dan no ups and downs setiap hari, itu r.o.b.o.t. namanya.


*iklan: Liv won against Norwich!!! 5-0 weyhhh!! YNWA*

Friday, January 18, 2013

Life has been...

Life has been cruel to me thus far...
Where can I find a place to hide...

People would say: Face it! Face the cruelness!
I would say: I'm not brave enough..not strong enough..

People would say: Forget the cruelness! Move on!
I would say: How can you move on when you still had to face the cruelness every single day..

People would say, People would always has something to say, People who has never been in your shoes would always say things to "solve" your problem..

The fact is,
some things just can't be solved,
some things just can't be mend,
some things.....are meant to be broken..

My point is,
Life has been cruel.
and I will be strong, but not today.
Let me be weak, let me have feelings,
Let me have emotions, let me cry like any other normal human being for just today..

I will be strong, I will be..